Hello! If you are a list administrator wondering why narkive.net is trying to subscribe to your mailing list, look no further. This page is here to explain. narkive.com has been running a mailing list archive ever since 2014, with over 120 million messages currently archived. Here is an example: https://users.fedoraproject.narkive.com Now, there are two options: 1) The mailing list we just (re-) subscribed to is public domain and the perfect example for something that should be archived and preserved. If so, everything is working fine! :-) 2) For some reason you don't want narkive saving up those messages. Say, the list is a university course mailing list. In case of (1), please be assured that: - The goal here isn't to harvest personal email addresses for spam purpose (on the countrary, those email addresses are never used internally or shown to website visitors!). - In case of removal requests, either for list purposes (say, you want the list nuked from the web) or from users looking for anonimity, those are always attended to shiftly. If your case is (2), please email me directly ( davide at that other .com domain shown above) and your list/organization will be marked as do-not-archive. ---- If you want to help with the archival process by uploading a .mbox archive, or are looking for an admin page for your organization, both things are in the planning stage. Please get in touch so that I can get an idea of how requested those features are. Bests, Davide Cavion